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Arduino electronic instrument

Project type

Arduino project




Barcelona, Catalunya

How I got started:

I wanted to create an electronic instrument using Arduino.

I searched the internet, and eventually, I found an example in an Arduino book. That example built the instrument quite differently from how I ended up doing it. It used different resistors to produce different notes.

I followed that example, but I wasn't entirely satisfied with it, so I decided to try something different. However, that attempt didn't work out, and I got a bit stuck. But then I had the idea to use capacitive sensors, which I already understood how to use (after completing my STEAM project in the first trimester).

I encountered many difficulties with the program, but after trial and error and more attempts, I finally succeeded.

Once I got it working, I started to improve it (since there were only 4 notes, and it sounded too loud).

First, I added one more note; I only had one additional sensor and wanted to have at least 7 notes. I made different combinations of sensors produce different notes.

Then, I added another sensor to create another octave.

I also added a potentiometer to control the speaker's volume.

Finally, I added one last capacitive sensor to enable sustain and flats (alterations).


It has a range of nearly 2 octaves (from C3 to B4).

It's recommended to play it with two hands on top of a table.

How it works:

- To play C3: press the 1st sensor.
- To play D3: press the 2nd sensor.
- To play E3: press the 3rd sensor.
- To play F3: press the 4th sensor.
- To play G3: press the 1st and 4th sensors.
- To play A3: press the 1st and 3rd sensors.
- To play B3: press the 1st and 2nd sensors.
- To play the same notes an octave higher, press the 5th sensor and the sensors corresponding to the note.
- To play a note with a half step above, press the 6th sensor and the sensors corresponding to the note (works with all notes except E and B).
- The potentiometer controls the volume.


- 6 capacitive sensors
- 1 speaker
- 1 220-ohm resistor
- 1 potentiometer
- 1 Arduino
- Several wires

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